Professsor Emeritus and Administrator
Dr. Rohini Kumar Mandal,
M.Sc, Ph.D., M.D. (Hom).

Principal & Professor
Dr. Ramkrishna Bhattacharya,
M.D. (Hom.)
A vision is a dream, a hope, a desire which to be converted to reality needs dedication. Realisation of this vision is the mission of Bengal Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital.
It is the brainchild of the Bengal Homoeo Pharmacy Trust with a vision to provide quality education and all round development of a student.
Asansol and its vast surrounding area being a very fertile ground for Homoeopathic education as well as freatunt.
With this humble guidence & advice & responsible Shouldering of Late Bejoy Pal the Then M.L.A. Asansol the institution was established as a College of the people, by the people, for the people.
Institution believes in imparting quality education resulting over all development of a student, irrespective of their caste, Creed and religion. In the true sense, it is a multidimensional institution that develops astudent into a self reliant, righteous, bright and dynamic Charector. The institution has an excellent team of trained professionals who are dedicated to the core, at making students motivated to excel in various fields.
A commitee cnsisting of a philanthropist,experienced academicians & dedicated teachers and non-teaching staffs are managing the Institute, in order to create an atomosphere of affection, freedom care and security in which students are helped to boraden their mental horizon & grow with self confidence.
In the begining College has got the seal of approval for teaching D.M.S Course in the year 1980 by the Council of Homoeopathic Medicine, West Bengal.
It was one of the three Homoeopathic institution our state that introduced D.H.M.S Course recognised by Central council of Homeopathy. New Delhi, when it forst come in to force in 1983 asw an unified all India Diploma Course.
From the Academic Session 1995-96,it is a great pleasure to us that the University of Burdwan was granted affilation to this institute to run Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & surgery (B.H.M.S) Course.
In the begining College has got the seal of approval for teaching D.M.S Course in the year 1980 by the Council of Homoeopathic Medicine, West Bengal.
At present now it is affilated to the West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata, W. B. from the session 2004 - 2005.
The focus of the Institution is to create an emulating academic environment for education and research.to develop industry Institute interactions, to develop effective training to Conduct programmes for over all personality development of the students to organised seminars / worksshops etc. For over all personality development of the students, to inculcate the ethical values in all associated with the organisition, to recognise the best performer(s), to promote a system of assessment for over all performance & many more
We inspire and guide to translate Student's ambition / goal into reality. The institute natures them with innovation professional skills.